Vertically Integrated One-stop Display Solutions Provider
Offers from BlackMagic Transparent LED Film, Rolling LED Display, Flexfilm LED Display, 3D LED Wall, Transparent LED Display, 3D Facade Display, LED Video Wall, Digital Signage, LED Video Displays, LED Light Box, Wide-format Light Box Printing,
Consultation, maintenance, after-sales service, and a lot more...
LED Wall: P0.7 0.9 1.25 P1.667 P2 P3 P3.91 P4 P4.8 P5 P6
[高清LED顯示屏幕 P0.7-P30] Innovating from SMD, to COB, IMD and MicroLED
Power Saving COB0.9 COB1.25 COB1.5
提供大型LED顯示屏幕, TV Wall, LED燈箱制作及印畫, 專業設計及安裝
提供不同像素高清8K 4K FHD室內及高亮防水戶外LED顯示屏
全面的售前及售後服務 維修保養
工程包括設計, 安裝, 現場評估及產品諮詢,(如有需要)認可人士簽署圖紙入則.
憑多年置廠經驗, 提供综合定制方案, 確保產品高性價比及可持續性.

According to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in 2015, the transition towards more responsible consumption & production patterns is crucially important.
Achieving economic growth and sustainable development require that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce, and consume goods and resources.
Fondgear recognizes that it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operation methods, with regular review points. We encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.
At Fondgear, we don’t believe that we inherited the Earth from our parents. We believe that we are borrowing it from our children. Environmental stewardship plays a role in every aspect of our manufacturing process. We are committed to use environmentally friendly processes throughout production, with environmentally advanced fabrics, energy-saving LED, and the high sustainability material. By doing so, we have greatly reduced wastage and energy consumption. We recycle almost all residual of our production process .
We believe in giving back to the global community we serve. Fondgear is actively involved in supporting numerous non-profit organizations and other community charities.